Sunday, April 18, 2010


Banga Soup is a traditional Nigerian recipe for a palm nut soup thickened with okra and flavoured with chillies, groundpepper and hot chillies. The full recipe is presented here and I hope you enjoy this classic Nigerian version of: Banga Soup.

Banga Soup Recipe
Origin: Nigeria

This is the classic Nigerian version of the 'palm nut soup', variants of which are known from the majority of West African countries.

500g assorted meats (personally I like steak, heart and kidney)
250g dried and smoked fish
225g bushmeat (any game meat will do)
1l palm soup base
225g ground dried prawns
600ml beef stock or water
225g okra, sliced into thin rings
60g tomato purée
2 hot chillies (eg Scotch bonnet), pounded to a paste
100g Igbo (groundpepper) or use watercress
1 onion, sliced
1/2 tsp ataieko
1/2 tsp igeriejae
salt, to taste

Banga Soup Preparation:

[Note, ataieko and igeriejae are both classic Nigerian palm nut soup seasonings; an approximation of their flavour can be made by mixing 1/4 tsp aniseed, 1/4 tsp allspice, 1/4 tsp black pepper and 1/4 tsp dried ginger.]

Thoroughly was the dried and smoked fish then break into pieces, removing as many bones as you can and set aside.

Place the meat in a large pot, add a little water or stock then season liberally with salt and black pepper, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, or until tender. Add the smoked fish and cook for another 10 minutes.

Now add the palm soup base along with the okra, tomato purée and the pounded chillies. Cook for 5 minutes then add the ataieko and igeriejae along with the ground prawns. Cook for 10 minutes then add the igbo and cook for a further 10 minutes, or unti lthe soup is reduced and thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon.

Serve with iyan (pounded yam) or plantains.

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